Tang Chao: A Revolution in Travel Tea Packaging

Yongjun Chen and Huang Zhang Redefine Convenience and Sustainability

Yongjun Chen and Huang Zhang have introduced an innovative design, Tang Chao, that reimagines travel tea packaging. Inspired by traditional Chinese medical culture and environmental sustainability, this design offers a unique blend of practicality and health benefits.

The Tang Chao design was born out of the need for a compact, yet capacious tea box suitable for travel. The designers drew inspiration from traditional Chinese medical culture, specifically the concept of stimulating hand reflection areas or acupoints for health benefits. The design also incorporates the traditional tenon-and-mortise structure of China, an innovation in packaging structure. The overarching theme of the design is environmental protection, health, and green living.

What sets Tang Chao apart from other designs is its multifunctional nature. The small square tea box has a large capacity for tea bricks, meeting the miniaturization requirement of travel tea packaging. The tenon-and-mortise structure eliminates the need for glue, using low-cost, environmentally-friendly bamboo instead. The design also includes a ring buckle and lanyard, catering to various travel scenarios such as hanging, grasping, and carrying. The rounded corners of the bamboo box serve a dual purpose, stimulating the hand reflection area (acupoints) in traditional Chinese medical culture.

The design realization technology of Tang Chao is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and environmental sustainability. The tea box material uses low-cost bamboo, and the outer packaging uses environmentally friendly kraft paper, embodying the green design concept. The rounded corners of the box are designed to stimulate acupuncture points on the hands, promoting health and even treating diseases.

The Tang Chao design was a product of meticulous research and creativity. The goal was to create a green packaging for travel tea, using design creativity, cultural heritage, and physical development. The result is a new idea for travel tea packaging design, combining traditional Chinese medicine acupoint research, and adding health functions to packaging design.

Despite the challenges faced during the design process, such as creating a tenon-and-mortise structure that does not require any glue bonding, the team was able to overcome them. The design also successfully incorporated the health benefits of acupuncture points in traditional Chinese medicine. The tea box can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine point massage device, stimulating the acupoints in the reflection area of the hand and promoting blood circulation.

The Tang Chao design has been recognized for its innovation and creativity, winning the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2020. This award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. The Tang Chao design, with its unique blend of convenience, environmental sustainability, and health benefits, truly embodies these qualities.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yongjun Chen, Huang Zhang, Lei Xu
Image Credits: Yongjun Chen, Huang Zhang, Lei Xu
Project Team Members: Yongjun Chen Huang Zhang Lei Xu Peixiang Gao Quantao Su
Project Name: Tang Chao
Project Client: Yongjun Chen, Huang Zhang, Lei Xu

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